Cost saving through mobile weighing systems!
In the industries the highest costs are caused through transports and logistics.
In the mining industry, the transport costs cause up to 50 % of the total production costs.
To reduce transport costs, the transport mass and the transport time have to be recorded and evaluated. Mobile weighing systems create the best presupposition.
In contrast to stationary scales the transported weight will be determined with mobile weighing systems in loading machines directly during loading, e.g. wheel loader, fork lift trucks or excavators.
Overloading will be avoided, optimizing the utilization of the vehicle and trips to stationary scales can be reduced.
A further possibility is the installation of a scale in transport vehicles, e.g. dump trucks or waste trucks.
Here you can additionally store transporting times, distance, loading, and waiting time to find out potentials for further improvements. This will be supported by a efficient sector software.
Weighing while loading trucks or trains:
- No unintentional overloading
- Optimum utilization, no loss of loading capacities
- Trips to stationary scales are no longer necessary
- No material and no time will be given away
- No additional staff casts
Calculate your annual savings potential based on…
- sales based on cubic meters (without scales)
[ calculate ] [PDF – 126 KB]
- a stationary vehicle scale (third-party-weighing)
[ calculate ] [PDF – 125 KB]
- a stationary vehicle scale (own)
[ calculate ] [PDF – 140 KB]